Open the scores spreadsheet which you downloaded from WeBWorK.
Sort the students by section. This will move all administrators, TAs, and students who have dropped the course to the bottom of your WebWork scores file. Then delete these rows which should now be on the bottom. These rows should have in the section column: blank, TA, D01, D02, etc.
Next, sort the first name column alphabetically, then the last name column alphabetically.
Open the template spreadsheet which you downloaded from SmartSite and double-check that the list of students in the scores spreadsheet is exactly the same as the list of students in the template spreadsheet, with no blank rows.
Copy the column of scores from the scores spreadsheet to the template spreadsheet. The relevant column is marked with the homework set name in row 2 and “total” in row 7.
Save the template spreadsheet, which should now contain scores.