====== Mathematical Notation ====== The following syntax is recognized by WebWork: ==== Operators ==== ^ Operator ^ Input ^ Preview ^ | addition | + | | | subtraction | - | | | multiplication | * | | | division | / | | | exponentiation | ** | | | dot product | . | | | cross product | >< | | | factorial | ! | | | union | U | | | list separator | , | | ==== Grouping ==== ^ Name ^ Symbol ^ | Parentheses | ( or ) | | Brackets | [ or ] | | Braces | { or } | * NOTE: You can use any of them, but they must be used in pairs! ==== Constants ==== ^ Constant ^ Numeric ^ Preview ^ | pi | 3.14159... | | | e | 2.71828... | | ==== Trigonometric Functions ==== ^ Function ^ Input ^ Preview ^ | sine | sin() | | | cosine | cos() | | | tangent | tan() | | | cosecant | csc() | | | secant | sec() | | | cotangent | cot() | | ==== Inverse Trigonometric Functions ==== ^ Function ^ Input ^ Preview ^ | arcsine | asin(), arcsin() | | | arccosine | acos(), arccos() | | | arctangent | atan(), arctan() | | | arccosecant | acsc(), arccsc() | | | arcsecant | asec(), arcsec() | | | arccotangent | acot(), arccot() | | ==== Numeric Functions ==== ^ Function ^ Input ^ Preview ^ | Logarithm (base e) | log( ) | | | Logarithm (base 10) | log10( ), logten( ) | | | Natural Logarithm | ln( ) | | | Square Root | sqrt( ) | | | Absolute Value | abs( ) | | | Sign Function | sgn( ) | | | Floor Funtion | int( ) | | ==== Vector Functions ==== ^ Function ^ Input ^ Preview ^ | Norm | norm( ) | | | Unit | unit( ) | | ==== Complex Functions ==== ^ Function ^ Input ^ Preview ^ | Argument | arg( ) | | | Modulus | mod( ) | | | Real Part | Re( ) | | | Imaginary Part | Im( ) | | | Conjugate | conj( ) | |