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For those instructors who are using the Canvas-Webwork integration, here are a few instructions. (I'm assuming that $LTIGradeMode is set to "homework" for all of them also.) Eventually I'll get around to putting these on the webwork wiki.
I'm also happy to communicate directly with instructors if you let me know who they are.

1. Create a Canvas assignment for each webwork assignment, using the following settings:
a. points: 100
b. display grade as: percentage
c. submission type: External Tool
i. External Tool URL: link of the form[course-name]/[assignment-name]
ii. Load this tool in a new tab: [check this box]
d. optionally, set a due date. This is not linked to the due date in Webwork, so if you change the due date in Webwork you'll have to change this one manually; the only reason for including a due date is so that students can see all their due dates in Canvas instead of having to log in to Webwork.
2. Students are used to the old way of accessing Webwork. Tell them that things have changed, and the only way to log in is from these assignment links.
3. Also tell students that their grades in Canvas may show up as 0%, but that this will change after they finish the assignment.
4. Webwork Course Configuration changes to make:
a. General
i. Show total homework grade on grades page: False
b. Permissions
i. Allowed to change their password: nobody
ii. Allowed to change their email address: nobody
iii. Allowed to act as another user: ta
iv. Allowed to view past answers: student

[last two permission changes aren't related to canvas integration, but are worth making anyway.]

canvas_lti.1585582463.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/30 08:34 by admin